Our annual greetings & musings on business and beyond . . .

Headshots by Wild Olive Design
Few folks can call a neighbor both a friend and a colleague. Shari Hawley of Wild Olive Design is just

Women’s Entrepreneur Meetup
Enjoyed attending this important Meetup hosted by April Wier of Sugar Five Design. Happens every 3rd Friday of the month

Happy Holidays 2016
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Happy holidays to you and yours. Wishing

Looking Forward To 2016!
Tiny Design Studio extends our thanks to customers and friends for your understanding during what has been a difficult end

happy holidays from tiny design studio
Tiny Design Studio hopes your holidays have been and continue to be the happiest ever & sends wishes for a

SiteLock Security for Online Business
Tiny Design Studio recommends that all current website hosting clients contact us to setup Website Security immediately. WEBSITE SECURITY ISSUES